ECI Salem, WV


ECI Salem, WV

71 Marshville Rd
Salem, WV 26426
(304) 782-3335

All Locations


This location has not yet posted their practices.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

There are currently no practices selected for this category.

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  • Positive comments are shared with the location manager and reviewed for possible inclusion here. Negative comments are not published, but are reviewed by CleanRated and the location manager. If the location is unable to remedy, this profile page may be appended or removed, at CleanRated’s discretion.

CleanRated provides a self-rating platform for its licensees. The information appearing on this page was provided by the licensee, and CleanRated has not verified such information. CleanRated assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of such information. This sticker does not constitute a warranty or representation as to the condition of the property or the licensee's practices, and all such warranties are hereby disclaimed.

CleanRated is a trade name of CleanRated, LLC, a PA Limited Liability Company

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